
Miscellaneous stuff. Further commentary on Buck-Tick, this web site, and things related in any way.


Japanese words that may be of interest to Buck-Tick fans translated and explained.

Arubamu - album

Atari - this word on items purchased is used to designate when someone is a "winner" in contests and giveaways (those who did not win may have "hazure" to indicate that they did not win)

Bakkunanbaa - back number AKA back issues; previous issues of a publication

Bakuchiku - firecracker. Hisashi named the band and decided it should be written in English as "Buck-Tick".

Bando - band

Bangumi - program/show, as in tv/radio show

Beesu - bass

BGM - background music (what someone is currently listening to)

Bideo - video

Binbou - poor, as in you will be poor if you keep buying Buck-Tick releases

Bookaru - vocals, vocalist

Bunka Kaikan - Cultural Hall

Chirashi - flyer

Chuuko - used (goods)

CM - commercial

Dabingu - dubbing

Doramu(su) - drums (may or may not be spelled plural)

Douga - motion picture, movie, video

Eiga - movie

Fan Kurabu - fan club

Genshou - phenomenon. Buck-Tick used to hold shows in the early days under the banner of "Buck-Tick Genshou". Many years later, they released a movie of the same name.

Gitaa - guitar

Gokiburi - cockroach (just because I think everyone should know this word when visiting Japan)

Hinan Go-Go - Criticism Go-Go. This was the name of the band before they changed to Buck-Tick. "Hinan" could also be translated as 'to censure, to condemn'. You get the gist of the meaning. The band's repertoire in this period consisted of: Monokuro No Star, No-No-Boy, Plastic Syndrome, Soldier (later renamed Freaks), and Vacuum Dream.

Hitosashi-yubi - index finger (literally "point at people finger"); used in the song "Speed".

Hon - book

Jet Coaster - same as "roller coaster" in America

Kakkoii - cool, as in "Buck-Tick is cool"

Kanemochi - rich, wealthy, as in you have to be wealthy to afford all Buck-Tick releases

Kattingu - "cutting", a type of rhythmic guitar playing technique of muting immediately after strumming. (Often done with finger or fret muting rather than palm muting.) In the early days, Hide was known for his cutting style of guitar.

Ken - prefecture, as in Gunma-ken, the prefecture Buck-Tick is from (not all prefectures are -ken but most are). Prefectures are equivalent to a state or province in other countries.

Kenmin Kaikan - Prefectural Citizens Hall

Kingyo No Fun - goldfish poop, as in someone who is always following another like goldfish poop (just because this is one of my favorite phrases)

Kirinuki - clipping, as in magazine clipping

Konoama - bitch (you shouldn't use this word, it doesn't mean BiTch)

Kopii Bando - copy band AKA cover band

Kouen - Park

Koukaido - Public Hall

Kusou - shit, both literally (kuso) and as a curse word (kusou, said in a drawn out way)

Kusuri-yubi - ring finger (literally "medicine finger")

Ko-yubi - pinky finger (literally "little finger")

Kyoiku Kaikan - Education Hall

Majime - dictionaries often define it as "serious" but I think the definition fails to address the more common meaning in Japan, which I prefer to say in English as "straight-laced". A very majime (kuso majime) teenage student would be very serious about their studies and not go against the mainstream in any way such as alter their uniform, listen to rock n' roll, drink, have sex, dye their hair, and that sort of thing. "Square" is more like it but no one speaks like that anymore. The members often comment that Hide and U-ta are majime, which in another way to put it, they are the goody-goody members of the group.

MC - when written in concert reviews in Japan, it does not mean the artist is a rapper, it means when the vocalist talked to the audience (usually inbetween songs)

Mendoukusai - tasks that are a 'pain in the ass' (a very good word to know)

OA - "on air"

Okane - money, something Buck-Tick fans can never have enough of

Omake - extra/bonus. This word is often used at stores for when one purchases something and receives an extra item as a bonus.

Ongaku - music

Otsuri - change (the change you receive when buying something)

Pureeyaa - player (as in DVD player)

Raibu - concert ("live")

Rekoudo - record, vinyl

Riha - rehearsal

Sake - alcohol

Santora - short form of soundtrack, sandotorakku (one of the millions of contractions of foreign words--get used to it)

SE - when written in concert reviews in Japan, it does not mean "sound effect" in the way that native English speakers use the term, it means pre-recorded music that was played (usually before the start of the show, at the end, or sometimes in the middle to divide the set like an intermission)

Senden - advertisement

Serifu - "self"; in lyrics, it means that the part is to be spoken, not sung

Shi - city, as in Osaka-shi and so forth

Shimin Kaikan - City Citizens Hall AKA Civic Hall

Shinguru - single

Shinpin - new (goods)

Terebi - tv, television

[this page was last updated on 2021.02.06 @ 18:01:59 CST]